Thursday, January 25, 2007

Mansize Yorkie

I must say Im a little disappointed, walking back from Sutton to my parents' house I became very hungry/craving chocolate. So I purchased a mansize yorkie but it didnt really do the job, I was probably attracted more by the name of the bar, strange that! Cadbury's dairy milk is always quick to quench my chocolate-cravings though, I did text my friend Sarah who works at Cadburys asking if she could divert a truck to my house but nothing doing =(

On a random note, after hearing from the English Blogger and Mrs FreelanceNerd this afternoon that the reindeer and orbs have been upto recent blog adventures I though I should introduce Spike:


Anonymous said...

Hi Spike, bite your owner for buy Nestle!!!! haven't you heard how bad they are...says the person who had a Big Mic :-s

There is only one Chocolate and that is CDM!!!!

The Random One said...

Long live CDM!!!!

All in favour say "Turkish delight CDM"

Anonymous said...

Well, Amy and Amiability has been discovering Cadbury's Cream Eggs once more........

There is Only one chocolate and that is CDM. UNless you have rich friends who buy you Green and Black's, very Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

D Baynham said...

Green and Blacks is owned by Cadburys.

The Random One said...

Shhhh that's a secret, if the posh people (Lou) find out they won't buy G&B's any more!