Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Day 24 of 2007......

I sit on my bed on laptop as have actually managed to find a wireless network, beats using the slow desktop we have! Last night I spent an hour or so with Mrs Teapot and Mr Timelord hearing about their contacts and trip to Australia, to help in my preparations to spend a year over there. It came up that I hadn't actually blogged this year so this is long overdue!

What to say? Well this year has not been easy so far, coming back to Sutton to help train old colleagues up was fun but stressful as workload was too much and a lack of communication between Sutton and London didnt help..... but hey I got through it! I guess you could say I lived the high-life for a while, driving between London and Sutton every week, working in Sutton but living in London at weekends was fun for a while but now it's ended the tiredness has really caught up with me. Im not used to relaxing though as in London if I wasn't working Id be rushing around seeing people, church on Sundays so always lots on. Saying "Au Revoirs" to the friends I've made in London was very hard and emotional and a big part of me wants to still be there, but that chapter has closed....for now =( Trying to slot back into the social scene in Sutton hasn't been easy, all my friends are amazing people but they've all moved on in their lives since I moved to London so adjusting to the pace of life and getting to know people again isnt easy. Worth persevering though!

On to the future; I asked Martin on Sunday how long it would take to get a VISA for Australia, my heart sank when he said 2-3months! Anyway when I got home went online and read through the Oz embassey websites and applied online for a 12-mth working holiday VISA, sent it through at 1am Monday morning and around 5pm the same day an email came back with my VISA confirmation....praise God!!!!!!! Since then I've been to see sta travel in Brum who specialise in helping students/YOUNG PEOPLE on travelling, the guy I saw recommended a round-the-world ticket which would see me fly to Hong Kong, Singapore (2-3days stopover in each) then Oz where I'lll make my way from Adelaide round the East Coast, hopefully going to the F1 Grand Prix in Melbourne in mid-march, flying to NZ then Fiji, Cook Islands, LA to see the sights of LA & San Francisco and fly home from Vegas!!!! (Heidi you should fly out and go to THE OC with me!!!) This isnt cheap but is only slightly more expensive than just a return ticket to Oz so it's pretty tempting! Kinda scared but also so excited about doing this!

If anyone reading this hasn't spoken to me about any experience you have or friends/family I could visit in Oz then please let me know so we can meet for a coffee or something to talk.

Anywayz time for lunch but I will blog more, although probably should get a new address for the Oz trip........ "Superman down under"...... suggestions welcome except from the English Blogger!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations for blogging!! My sister did a YWAM long term mission in Oz the year before last, based just further south of the Gold Coast, she then did a short term mission in Thailand and also travelled to different places - including Bali, and New Zealand. I'm happy to pass on any questions that you may have to her, (she lives in Cornwall so a bit far to meet for coffee though!) I know she'd be happy to help!!!

Anonymous said...

Even though I am banned "upsidedownchrisinoz" or "chrisawayforayearhahaha"

Mrs EB and I are off to las Vegas in April for a week!!! then a week in Palm Springs, I want to go to Joshua Tree Desert whilst there.

Anonymous said...

Matt and Bill went to the Joshua Tree Park when Matt went to Cal.iufornia for a month in 1998, and he and Bill travelled sown the Pacific Coast Highway to LA and then over the border into Mexico.
I have a superb photo of Bill spitting on an ant!! He wanted to know how much Payload it could carry>.............! Well that's Bill all over! (now in Beirut with his wife).