Calling all lovely Sutton Bloggers, Im leaving UK on 25th Feb and obviously need to set up a nice new blog for my trip.
Previously Mr EB has suggested 'chrisisonholidayforayearhaha' and 2nite 'imtravellingroundtheworldandyou'renot'.
Does anyone have any nice short ideas for the name of my blog? Im thinking something like 'random_one_down_under'???
Also, I want to say a big honest thank you to every blogger from SCBC for being so wonderful. 2day I had a really mixed day, from feeling so very alone/isolated early afternoon to being surrounded by amazing friends, old and new, at The Vesey. Although Im about to embark on an exciting year round the world a part of me wishes I could spend more time with you all, especially getting to know some of my newer friends...... but hey all in God's time eh?!
You're all Bea...utiful!